Antler Chandeliers and Furniture


In the city of Nara, the old capital of Japan, deer roam free. These are sika or spotted deer, which are native to East Asia and have white spots on their backs.


Kudus are cover-dependent browsers that feed on more than 100 different trees, shrubs, vines, herbs, seedpods, and fruits, as well as a little new grass.


While the black-faced impala is confined to southwestern Angola and Kaokoland in northwestern Namibia, the common impala is widespread across its range and has been reintroduced in Gabon and southern Africa.


The gemsbok is generally a grazer but changes to browsing during the dry season or when grass is sparse.


The name fallow is derived from the deer’s pale brown color.

European Roe

Unlike most cervids, roe deer begin regrowing antlers almost immediately after they are shed.


Although it is currently native to North America and eastern Asia, it had a much wider distribution in the past.


The common eland avoids dense forests. It uses loud barks, visual and postural movements and the flehmen response to communicate and warn others of danger.

Dik Dik

Dik-diks are named for the alarm calls of the females. In addition to the females’ alarm call, both the male and female make a shrill, whistling sound.


Populations in northern and central India are fragmented, and two isolated populations occur in southwestern Nepal. It is extinct in Pakistan and Bangladesh.